fredag 17 februari 2012

6 major courses

I'm thinking about what courses to register and it's really hard because I've taken most of the business requirements and almost none of my majors. So now I have to fit my schedule to be able to take 6 major courses and that will be tough to say the least. I don't know if I'm way over my head in doing this but if I wanna graduate early this is what I have to do. I even skipped on Korea to be able to graduate early so I'm not gonna let this stop me! I guess 6 major courses it is!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  2. you CAN do it!!... but you'll die abit on the way ^^

  3. du klarar det habibi/ Maya

  4. U can make anything, just remember not to forget to live a little ;) I see myself forgetting that sometimes xD Bhat
