torsdag 25 november 2010


I've always been the girl who preeches about how important it is to be independant. However, somehow lately I've been thinking differently; in another light. I feel exhausted and I have this feeling of WANTING to depend on someone. This feeling is growing inside me day by day and I don't even know why I kind of feel embarrased about confessing this. Maybe it's because I've always seen that not being independant means being weak, that you can't handle things on your own. But the thing is: It's not that I can't do it on my own. I know I can. I just don't think I want to... anymore. XoXo

söndag 14 november 2010

Såhäär Mycket !

Beebiiis, Jag Saknaar Daj sååååhääääär Mycket !! ÄNDA UPP TILL HIMLEN OCH TILLBAKA ! Ja, REDAN !!

fredag 12 november 2010



More than sisterly affection...

More than friendly affection...

It's more than any affection you can imagine... She's my Bebis... My lilla söööt

I've had two epic weeks with her.. not nearly enough... and tomorrow she's leaving...

BUT IM NOT CRYING... okaay maybe just a little?