Saying sorry?
Today a friend got mad and I don't know why... as far as I know I didn't do anything wrong but that friend is still madly upset. I want to say sorry but I can't because I hate saying sorry when I haven't done anything to be sorry about... Anyways that's the reason for me being upset right now because I wish people could just be frank about why they're upset instead of just shutting the other person out!!
ou3ek t2oule sry ma 7ada..... :D:D:D:P:P:P w min ha rfi2ek???????? tcharaffnna wallah......
SvaraRaderahehe ellerhur man ska ju säga vad man e ledsen över hehe :D :D så säg aldrig förlåt hihi.... //
SvaraRaderaok hehehe
SvaraRaderaWell some people have issues going getting to their point and don't apologize uil you know what's wrong!
SvaraRaderahaha seg "forlot" for att jevlas och sen seger du att du seger det for att jevlas, fan jevla engalnd kan fan inte skriva o, e, o.....................tihi