fredag 23 april 2010

Bebis' birthday

So I told you guys that it was bebis' B-day two days ago and we were supposed to go to strandgatan but we cancelled last minute and stayed home instead until we later in the evening decided to go and eat fast food in downtown and sit at the kanalerna:P .. anyhoo it was a crazy day and here's a video we took.. XoXo

3 kommentarer:

  1. abbass :hahahahahaha bt7ebbi il akl aktar min 7ayootek ..... ba3den le hek 3amlin mitl il nawarrr w deyrin ni hal sweed haaa jaeastouna allah yjareskounnn ba3den chou 2ossto george ha hahahahahahahahhaha

  2. mahdomin :P (mch killkon)

  3. abbass : ya di3anet hal 7obbb li bynbe3 bi chayet akl ya 3eb il chouuuuuu 2ortet mjarasinnn deyrin bil chwaere333 bil sweed ba3den le hek kinte 3am ta3mle mitl li 3am tndob 7azza chou keyen 7ayoutik mettttt :P:P:P:P:P
