fredag 20 november 2009

Depression :S

In the last couple of days I was feeling really down but I tried real hard not to show it to anyone, even convincing myself that I was fine and I succeded until yesterday around midnight when I couldn't hold it in anymore... I wasn't fine and I couldn't take it anymore but thankfully I had a talk with namoose who gave me good advice and I decided to take them... After that I went out and took a walk alone in the rain... it was really late (around 1 o'clock at night) so I was careful with having noone notice because they would FLIP. The walk helped for a little while but I still wasn't okay and I needed something more... or someone... XoXo

4 kommentarer:

  1. Ya! Chingu,you allright?? You should pull a bhat and show up in front of my door:D arrasso!! /bhat

  2. 7abibe nshallah everything works out for U!!! I´m happy that the advices was good for U albe, It makes me happy that I can help U, for U are such a wonderful friend that always stand by my side nomatter what..Love U såwdaa (L) and Habboul if U don't want your family to know that U took a walk in the night ..WHY DID U WRITE IT IN YOUR BLOGG??? HAHHAHA :P I hope a light bulb shines in your head right now: AHA! en lampa lyste!! Haha ;)
    PS: sry for my english,it sucks haha

  3. heyyy gumman vi e alltid där för dig okidoki så oroa dig inte we love you mwahh....

  4. va e det du syyslar meee....du går o pratar med namose men inte med dina egna systrar??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????du vet att vi e här för dig men det värsta e är att du inte berättar något för oss och när vi pratar med dig om det har hänt nått så säger du alltid neee d e inget......så va e d me dig mona??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????du vet att vi alltid e här!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
