tisdag 17 januari 2012


Today's been a great day indeed with my presentation going well and the best time at uni. I haven't had a fun day like this in a long time and to top it all off I just heard ouri Maya is giving birth! Can't wait to welcome this baby girl into this world.

måndag 16 januari 2012


It feels really weird but we have already entered 2012! That's Really Something! It feels like yesterday when we were having the millennium 2000 party at the gym hall in kronogården. Aah those were the times! 12 years ago... and all of a sudden I'm 20..? I know I'm a little late in thinking over this but it hadn't really crossed my mind until I had to type the date on my paper! I hope you're having a good evening. I, myself, will be working on my presentation that I have tomorrow! Wish me luck

söndag 15 januari 2012


I'm going off to bed. This day started really good but it all went downhill from there. Tomorrow will be better! It just has to be. I need it to be!

I feel trapped

How can I keep telling you No when all I wanna do is run to you and tell you we're gonna be okay!

Wake up Wake up Wherever you are

Morning Sunshinez!! I usually hate sundays, as in really haaate them but I have a feeling this sunday will be different. Waking up in a good mood hasn't been in my vocab in a long time but today I'm feeling really good. Could it have anything to do with the fact that teta is planning to come? I THINK SO! Anyways I just had breakfast and I'm thinking what do do for dinner! Taco gratäng?

fredag 13 januari 2012

Vampire Diaries

My friend is supposed to come over and study with me but she's still hung up at work so I'm going to watch Vampire Diaries in the mean time. I can't help but falling in love with this drama. Currently, it's the absolute best one airing on TV. What's your favorite drama?

måndag 9 januari 2012

When you really need someone

Today's been one of those days. A day when I felt I just needed to talk to someone or just feel as if someone cares. I sound silly now even to myself but it's what I wanted. Well, life goes on and at least I have a drama to watch. Even if it sucks! Badly. Hope you're having a better day than me xoxo


Happy Birthday...

Candy Rush

Whats up? Busy Busy Busy as usual but from now on I'm not gonna be too busy to blog (**empty promise**). I actually just finished my final english paper! I'm so proud of myself! So right now I'm eating candy and I'm feeling like I'm on a rush! What should me study next?

fredag 6 januari 2012

And I'm Back!

I know I've been the lousiest updater and I know that I always promise to update more frequently but I always fail. It's just that there's so much to do! Too much to do! Well anyhoo I arrived here thursday morning and since then I've been sleeping at my aunties but I'm thinking of returning to my apartment. I actually really miss it! Hope you guys are having a good tme XoXo